Development of environmental utility test methods in dendrological variety evaluation.
The main aim of the project is to develop a new method for the evaluation of dendrotaxons, which also takes into account the environmental benefits, and which has not been used abroad so far.
To determine the environmental utility of taxa, we study the albedo, shade effect, microclimate-regulating ability, and leaf gas exchange of foliage of different textures and colors, which provides information on the ability to sequester CO2 and emit O2 and water vapor.
The GSF-3000 analyzer is a portable instrument for the evaluation of plant photosynthesis (CO2 uptake) or respiration (CO2 emissions) and transpiration, combined with optical measurements.
Photosynthetic activity can be measured in several approaches. It is possible to measure CO2 fixation, O2 excretion, electron transport chain function, biomass growth. Using the infrared gas analysis (IRGA) technique, we can determine not only the CO2 fixation, but also the amount of CO2 emitted by respiration, i.e. the total CO2 gas exchange. By shading the leaves, it is worth determining the intensity of dark breathing first to get the net CO2 fixation accurately by taking it into account. The IRGA technique is suitable for measuring all these gases, and when measuring photosynthesizing plant parts, great care must be taken with the presence of water vapor released by the leaves through transpiration.
The GFS-3000 basically consists of a main unit that includes the analyzer, an infrared light source, a mail chamber (several are possible according to the different types of mail), connecting tubes, and the connected PC part. A pump and the air to be analyzed flow through the device. The reference gas is a gas of known composition which can be drawn in by the pump from the outside air, but it is possible to obtain the gas mixture from a cylinder. The gas flow rate is set before the measurement, or continuously controlled with a rotameter. The infrared gas analyzer can be used to measure the composition of ambient gas samples, but also the gas exchange of various whole plants or detached leaves.
The GFS-3000 is suitable for measurements under both controlled laboratory conditions and field conditions.
Using the GFS-3000 portable gas exchange and fluorescence system, all environmental parameters (CO2, H2O, temperature, light, ventilation and flow) related to plant photosynthesis can be controlled automatically and within the entire physiological range.
Optional fluorescence modules further expand the capabilities of the system. Experimental protocols for automatic light curves or automatic CO2 curves can be easily programmed.