DREMEL Moto-Saw Jigsaw
In the Pannon Breeding program, the task of the rose research group is to study the adaptation of roses to extreme climatic conditions. One of the tools used for research is an electric jigsaw for fine cuts. It is compact, easy to install and easy to use the tool that can be placed on a stand or used as a hand saw. The tool has three blade types: a general wood saw blade, a fine wood saw blade (that one is used to make sections) and a hacksaw blade. With the saw you can make thin sections of material in a very fine, precision way. The tool is usually used primarily for cutting wood, and is served by guide rails placed in the base plate, in which the running support plate can otherwise be adjusted at different angles.
We use the Dremel Moto-Saw jigsaw mounted on a stand, with the quick-release base plate mounted on a desk. To examine the inoculation site of rose grafts, we use the device, which is used to make cross-sectional and longitudinal cuts. Holding the small and easy-to-handle graft stem piece with quick-release tweezers, use the guide rail to push it to the blade, which can cut through the entire diameter of the stem to be tested. After cutting, the surfaces of the sections are sanded, then malachite is brushed with green paint, then the connection, size and proportions of the transport vessel beams are examined under a stereomicroscope.